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Detect and Respond to Zero-Day Exploits

Your organization’s ability to withstand a zero-day attack is completely dependent upon your capacity to detect and respond to an incident post-exploitation. eSentire Managed Detection and Response (MDR) prevents the most advanced cyberattacks from breaking through with 24/7 threat detection and response by providing complete visibility across your IT environment, including endpoints, networks and cloud environments.


Proactively identify zero-day vulnerabilities before they are exploited

Prevent zero-day attacks from breaking through



Time taken for vendors to release a patch following the first exploitation attempt of a zero-day vulnerability1


Time that organizations have to patch a zero-day vulnerability before it’s actively exploited in the wild1


of successful data breaches result from new or unknown zero-day exploits2


of zero-day exploits are driven by
financial motivation3

1 eSentire Report: The State of Zero-Day Attacks in 2021
2 HHS Cybersecurity Program: Zero-Day Attacks
3 2021 has broken the record for zero-day hacking attacks, MIT Technology Review, 2021

Zero-day vulnerabilities are a land of opportunity for adversaries

A zero-day attack takes advantage of an unknown exploit in the wild that exposes a vulnerability in software or hardware that cybercriminals use to gain access into your environment.

This combination of information and ability is used by threat actors to launch cyberattacks with devastating impact, such as ransomware deployment, service disruption, and data theft.

Zero-day vulnerabilities are challenging for organizations of all sizes to defend against. They can last for weeks or months before they are detected and investigated, which can finally alert the software vendor to develop a patch.

Zero-Day Attack Mitigation: How eSentire Reduces the Risk of Zero-Day Attacks

Although zero-day attack detection is ideal, it’s not realistic simply due to the nature of the zero-day threat itself. However, just because you can’t detect a zero-day exploit, it doesn’t mean there’s no defense against these threats.

As soon as a new zero-day vulnerability or exploit is discovered, we can help your team proactively identify if your organization is at risk through our eSentire Vulnerability Management service. In addition, we also provide ongoing 24/7 Threat Hunting, proactive Indicator of Compromise (IOC) sweeps, and complete response with eSentire Managed Detection and Response (MDR) to prevent your business ever being disrupted.

eSentire Vulnerability Management Service

eSentire Managed Detection and Response


Identify the presence of zero-day vulnerabilities before they’re exploited in your environment.


Zero-day attack detection identifies vulnerabilities across traditional and dynamic IT assets so you have continuous visibility into your expanding business environment.

We focus on vulnerabilities that present the greatest risk to you. You benefit from expert guidance to ensure you’re prioritizing the remediation of these dangerous exploits.


Protect your business from cybercriminals using zero-day exploits to bypass traditional security controls.


eSentire MDR combines cutting-edge Extended Detection and Response (XDR) technology, multi-signal threat intelligence and the industry’s only 24/7 Elite Threat Hunters to detect and contain zero-day attacks on your behalf.

We minimize the attacker dwell time with a Mean Time to Contain of 15 minutes. Once a threat has been isolated and remediated, we work with you to return affected environments to standard operations.

The Threat Response Unit (TRU): Original Research, Security Content and Proactive Threat Hunting

Our Threat Response Unit (TRU) proactively researches emerging threats, including zero-days, and operationalizes proactive global threat hunts across our entire customer base as part of our core MDR offering. eSentire TRU is foundational to our MDR service – no add-ons or additional costs required.

TRU proactively hunts and builds new detection models leveraging the power of artificial intelligence pattern recognition to drive new intelligence, containment and response actions across our XDR Cloud Platform.

TRU has been on the frontlines for zero-day attack detection for some of the most dangerous threats and nation-state cyberattacks.

See eSentire's TRU in Action:

The Kaseya Zero-Day Attacks

Watch this video with one of eSentire’s top threat researchers, Spence Hutchinson, as he reviews the Kaseya VSA supply chain attacks. Spence outlines how eSentire’s Security Operations Center (SOC) and Threat Response Unit (TRU) were able to quickly respond on our customer’s behalf and notify Kaseya of the breaches.

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In these attacks, threat actors leveraged zero-day vulnerabilities to push Cryptomining malware and ransomware to Kaseya VSA customers. Our proprietary BlueSteel Machine Learning Engine identified malicious Powershell commands being executed. eSentire’s actions to detect, respond and remediate these attacks demonstrate the importance of MDR services that go beyond alerting and host isolation to deliver complete & robust response.


Zero-day Attack Detection: From Discovering a Vulnerability to Exploitation

Whether or not a newly discovered vulnerability will lead to widespread exploitation is dependent on who discovered it. Zero-day vulnerabilities are most commonly discovered by:

Once the zero-day vulnerability is discovered, a threat actor must know how to exploit it. Some vulnerabilities are easily exploitable, requiring only slight modifications to existing attack tools, while others are much more complex. With this latter group, there is often a series of incremental steps:

Vulnerability is discovered

Proof-of-concept (PoC) demonstrates the viability of exploitation

Exploit is weaponized in a practical technique

Exploit weaponization and tooling is optimized

Once weaponized, an exploit may be used exclusively by a particular threat actor or sold on Dark Web marketplaces.

Zero-Day Attack FAQ

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Zero-Day Attack FAQ

What is a zero-day attack?

A zero-day attack refers to a cyberattack that takes advantage of an exploit in a software application that is not known to the software vendor that exposes a vulnerability in software or hardware that cybercriminals use to gain access into your environment. Zero-day vulnerabilities are challenging to defend against since the exploit is already in the wild when it's discovered and they can last for weeks or months before they are detected and investigated, at which point the software vendor can develop a patch.

How does a zero-day attack occur?

A zero-day attack occurs when a cybercriminal finds a zero-day vulnerability, or zero-day exploit, and uses it to launch cyberattacks to gain access to your environment, steal data, and/or sell data to other criminals on the dark web, etc.

What types of damage can a zero-day attack cause?

A zero-day attack can cause extensive damage to your organization, including data theft, financial loss, reputation damage, and disruption to business operations. Plus, if your organization doesn’t have 24/7 threat detection and response capabilities to detect the attackers’ presence, attackers can continue to use the zero-day vulnerability or exploit until the software vendor makes a patch for it available to their customers.

Who is typically targeted by zero-day attacks?

Zero-day attacks target businesses of all types and sizes. They are typically aimed at entities with valuable data or resources.

How long does a zero-day attack last?

A zero-day attack can last a matter of hours, days, weeks, or even years in some cases. Because of their covert nature, zero-day attacks can persist undetected for a long time. They continue to be exploited by threat actors until the vulnerability is detected and investigated, which can finally alert the software vendor to develop a patch.

How can I protect my organization from zero-day attacks?

Your organization’s ability to withstand a zero-day attack is completely dependent upon your capacity to detect and respond to an incident post-exploitation.

As soon as a new zero-day vulnerability or zero-day exploit is discovered, we can help your team proactively identify if your organization is at risk through our eSentire Vulnerability Management service. We focus on vulnerabilities that present the greatest risk to you. You benefit from expert guidance to ensure you’re prioritizing the remediation of these dangerous exploits.

In addition, we also provide ongoing 24/7 Threat Hunting, proactive Indicator of Compromise (IOC) sweeps, and complete response with eSentire Managed Detection and Response (MDR) to prevent your business from ever being disrupted. eSentire MDR combines cutting-edge Extended Detection and Response (XDR) technology, multi-signal threat intelligence and the industry’s only 24/7 Elite Threat Hunters to detect and contain zero-day attacks on your behalf with a 15-minute mean time to contain.

Team eSentire In Action: Zero-Day Attack Remediation


When a cybersecurity researcher revealed three ProxyShell zero-day vulnerabilities and how they could be exploited on Microsoft Exchange servers. Once the technical vulnerability details were released, cybercriminals began to determine how they could exploit the ProxyShell vulnerabilities.

eSentire TRU was able to coordinate with our 24/7 SOC Cyber Analysts to proactively identify if any customers were impacted by the vulnerabilities, develop detections based on the Indicators of Compromise (IOCs), and perform global threat hunts for ProxyShell.

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This is a desktop timeline image for the ProxyShell Zero-Day Attack detection, investigation and response. This is a mobile timeline image for the ProxyShell Zero-Day Attack detection, investigation and response.


In December 2021, security researchers released details and Proof-of-Concept (PoC) exploit code for Remote Code Execution of a vulnerability impacting the Apache Log4j Java-based logging library. There were also reports in the wild of the Log4j exploitation resulting in ransomware deployments.

Shortly after, eSentire TRU conducted scanning for the vulnerability, Cobalt Strike activity, and crypto mining payloads in addition to the targeting of web servers.

In response, TRU coordinated with our 24/7 SOC Cyber Analysts to proactively identify if any customers were impacted by the vulnerabilities, developed detections based on the Indicators of Compromise (IOCs), and conducted proactive global threat hunts for Log4j.

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This is a desktop timeline image for the Log4j Zero-Day Attack detection, investigation and response. This is a mobile timeline image for the Log4j Zero-Day Attack detection, investigation and response.

We Own The R in MDR

Not all MDR is created equal. When a zero-day attack is identified, the right Response and Remediation make the difference. Learn more about the Response and Remediation you can expect from eSentire.


Increase Your Zero-Day Attack
Prevention Capabilities

Without leveraging a comprehensive vulnerability management program and 24/7 multi-signal MDR, it’s easy for threat actors to exploit the latest CVEs and zero-days to deploy ransomware and malware in your environment.

eSentire Multi-Signal MDR

eSentire is the Authority in Managed Detection and Response, protecting the critical data and applications of 2000+ organizations in 80+ countries from known and unknown cyber threats. With eSentire in your corner, you can anticipate, withstand and recover from even the most sophisticated cyberattacks so you can build a more resilient security operation.

With eSentire MDR, you get:

  • 24/7 Always-on Monitoring, Threat Hunting, and Threat Disruption & Containment
  • Mean Time to Contain: 15 Minutes
  • Open, Cloud-Native XDR Platform
  • Multi-signal Coverage and Visibility
  • Automated Blocking
  • Proactive Manual Threat Containment and Response
  • Threat Advisories & Thought Leadership
  • eSentire Cyber Resilience Team – 24/7 SOC Cyber Analysts, Elite Threat Hunters, Threat Response Unit (TRU), and a named Cyber Risk Advisor
  • Operational Reporting with 24/7 Insight Portal access

eSentire Vulnerability Management Service

Our Vulnerability Management Service continuously identifies vulnerabilities across your on-premises and cloud environments with help from eSentire experts who act as an extension of your team providing analysis and remediation guidance. We schedule and execute vulnerability scans, manage the platform and refine your risk profile while supporting remediation plans.

The benefits of Managed Vulnerability Service include:

  • Identifying vulnerabilities across dynamic and expanding IT assets
  • Improving your vulnerability scanning consistency and timeliness
  • Tracking and measuring your vulnerabilities lifecycle and programmatic improvements
  • Prioritizing remediation against greatest potential business risk
  • Verifying remediation and quality assurance
  • Minimizing your vulnerability discovery to remediation timeframe
  • Reducing your operational, staffing, and resource constraints
  • Satisfying your regulatory and compliance requirements

Security Leaders Count on eSentire to Prevent Business Disruption

Excellent MDR Provider, amazing value for the service that you get!

Michael S.

Enterprise Company


Best money I have ever spent on Infosec

Chris T.

Enterprise Company


eSentire excels with advanced threat detection, real-time monitoring, MDR services, customized security, 24/7 SOC, and proactive threat hunting."

David P.

Mid-Market Company


You can depend on the eSentire team at any time and situation. They're a strong SOC team, capable of quickly assessing the severity of an incident and taking appropriate action.

Verified Customer

Financial Services


eSentire takes care of all the work! I request what I need and Boom, its done! I check the dashboard regularly just to keep an eye out on things, but i feel safe knowing they have my back.

Verified Customer

Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing


It is a complete system, the support is excellent. I like that they can isolate a resource at 2:00 AM without waking me up.

Verified Customer



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