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eSentire is an elite CrowdStrike Powered Service Provider and was selected as
CrowdStrike’s 2024 Global MSSP Partner of the Year.

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eSentire MDR for Endpoint and Identity, Powered by CrowdStrike

eSentire MDR for Endpoint and Identity, Powered by CrowdStrike, stops endpoint and identity threats in real-time.

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24/7 Endpoint and Identity Protection

The threat landscape is ever-evolving and adversaries are developing sophisticated approaches to establish a foothold on endpoints and exploit compromised credentials. Lack of visibility and response across endpoints and at the identity level can make it difficult to contain and remediate threats in order to minimize disruption to your business. 

eSentire MDR for Endpoint and Identity, Powered by CrowdStrike, provides advanced endpoint and identity protection no matter where your users or data reside (on prem, cloud, hybrid) with 24/7 threat hunting, deep investigation and complete threat response. For the most elusive threats, Team eSentire rapidly investigates and isolates compromised endpoints on your behalf, preventing lateral spread and business disruption. We work alongside you to determine root cause and corrective actions, ensuring you are protected and hardened against future business disruption, eliminating blind spots and stopping: 

Commodity Malware

Suspicious activity

Ransomware attacks

Geo & behavioral anomalies

Zero-day attacks

Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs)

Fileless attacks

Lateral movement

Privilege escalation

Credential abuse

eSentire MDR for Endpoint and Identity, Powered by CrowdStrike

How We Help

  • 24/7 monitoring and recording of endpoint and user identities
  • Endpoint and identity protection anywhere users and data reside - across cloud, mobile, virtual and physical environments
  • Machine learning and artificial intelligence to detect known and unknown malware and ransomware attacks
  • Behavior-based indicators of attack (IOAs) to prevent sophisticated fileless and malware-free attacks
  • Exploit blocking to stop the execution and spread of cyber threats
  • Detecting and quarantining on write to stop and isolate malicious files
  • Rapid human-led investigations
  • Remote managed containment to lock down and isolate threat actors on your behalf, preventing lateral spread
  • Remediation of infected endpoints to bring them back to full production

Your Outcomes

  • Optimized and hardened state of endpoint and identity defense
  • Elimination of your physical and virtual endpoint and identity blind spots
  • Reduced attacker dwell time
  • Mitigation of potential disruption to your business
  • Satisfaction of your compliance requirements
  • Minimized incident recovery timeframe


The Impact of Geopolitical Tensions on the Evolution of Cybercrime

Best-in-Breed CrowdStrike Endpoint and Identity Detection and Response Technology

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eSentire is an elite CrowdStrike Powered Service Provider and was selected as CrowdStrike’s 2024 Global MSSP Partner of the Year. We have also been certified as a partner of choice by CrowdStrike, delivering differentiated MXDR offerings built on the CrowdStrike Falcon platform®. eSentire MDR for Endpoint and Identity leverages the industry-leading CrowdStrike Falcon® platform to provide:

  • Powerful Protection: The CrowdStrike Falcon® platform delivers immediate, effective prevention against, and detection of all types of attacks — both malware and malware-free — regardless of whether endpoints are online or offline.

  • Unrivaled Visibility: Gain complete visibility into what is happening on endpoints — nothing is missed. The Falcon platform helps to discover and investigate current and historic endpoint activity in seconds and initiate fast, effective remediation.

  • Ease of Use: The cloud-delivered Falcon platform is easy to deploy, configure and maintain — all via a single, lightweight agent — to seamlessly deliver effective endpoint protection as a service.

Why eSentire

The eSentire MDR for Endpoint and Identity Difference means you’re:

  • Partnering with CrowdStrike’s 2024 Global MSSP Partner of the Year
  • Receiving the flexibility of Bring Your Own License (BYOL) or leveraging a completely managed solution
  • Gaining certified expertise across your MDR for Endpoint and Identity platform
  • Receiving 24/7 service expertise with personalized onboarding to manage the complexity of multiple points of security telemetry
  • Benefitting from 24/7 multi-signal coverage beyond endpoint and identity, with threat correlation across network, endpoint, log, & cloud, deep investigation and complete response
  • Benefitting from advanced protection with proactive threat hunting, deep multi-signal investigation and complete, rapid threat response, with a Mean Time to Contain of only 15 minutes with eSentire’s Managed XDR service, powered by CrowdStrike
  • Maximizing the value of your existing technology investments by leveraging our full-scale, all-in-one multi-signal MDR solution that integrates with a wide range of best-of-breed technology partners

We Do More Than Managed EDR and Identity,
And Multi-Signal Matters

Our multi-signal approach ingests endpoint, network, log, cloud, identity, and vulnerability data that enables complete attack surface visibility. Automated blocking capabilities built into our eSentire XDR Cloud Platform prevent attackers from gaining an initial foothold while our expert Elite Threat Hunters can initiate manual containment at multiple levels of the attack surface. Through the use of host isolation, malicious network communication disruption, identity-based restriction and other measures, we can stop attackers at multiple vectors and help you build a more resilient security operation.

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Read the Understanding Why Multi-Signal MDR Matters white paper to learn more.

Stop Endpoint and Identity-based Threats in Real-Time

eSentire MDR for Endpoint, Powered by CrowdStrike 

  • 24/7 monitoring and recording of endpoints
  • Endpoint protection anywhere users and data reside - across cloud, mobile, virtual and physical environments
  • Machine learning and artificial intelligence to detect known and unknown malware and ransomware attacks at the endpoint level
  • Behavior-based indicators of attack (IOAs) to prevent sophisticated fileless and malware-free attacks
  • Exploit blocking to stop the execution and spread of cyber threats
  • Detect and quarantine potentially malicious files as they are written to devices, preventing them from executing and spreading within the environment
  • Remote managed containment to lock down and isolate threat actors on your behalf, preventing lateral spread
  • Remediation of infected endpoints to bring them back to full production

eSentire MDR for Identity, Powered by CrowdStrike**

  • 24/7 monitoring and investigation of identities across AD
  • Full visibility across complex hybrid identity environments
  • Reduce the attack surface with a complete picture of AD hygiene
  • Detect abnormal user behavior and identity-based attacks like Kerberoasting, Golden Ticket, Pass-the-Hash
  • Stop attacks in real-time by blocking authentication at the AD layer, even from unmanaged hosts
  • Extend MFA to areas impossible to cover with traditional approaches, such as legacy systems
  • Identity-based segmentation: restrict users without needing to segment a network
  • Reduce noise by allowing users to approve their own access requests when there are deviations from normal behavior instead or generating an alert

** available as an add-on to eSentire MDR for Endpoint, Powered by CrowdStrike 

Endpoint Threat Detection Engineering Driven By Industry Experts

eSentire MDR for Endpoint, Powered by CrowdStrike, goes beyond most MDR providers by developing custom detection engineering based on our threat intelligence and proprietary ML applications that hunt and respond to endpoint threats.

eSentire’s Threat Response Unit (TRU) delivers counter-threat research and proprietary content to stay ahead of attackers targeting endpoints. TRU builds proprietary detectors for IOCs and TTPs, all mapped to the MITRE ATT&CK framework. We publish original research and security advisories so you’re up to date on the latest cyber landscape and endpoint security risks.

Machine Learning Innovation:

eSentire feeds your endpoint telemetry through our BlueSteel engine. Advanced analytics and machine learning are then used to identify signs of malicious activity. We leverage BlueSteel to continuously enhance our endpoint detection and response capabilities and empower our Elite Threat Hunters to disrupt, contain, and remediate endpoint threats.

See BlueSteel in Action Against PowerShell

Developed by the Threat Response Unit

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Following initial intrusion, many attackers pivot to PowerShell as a means to advance their objectives. Attackers can easily hide malicious commands within a PowerShell script that otherwise appears harmless. So following initial intrusion, many attackers pivot to PowerShell as a means to advance their objectives Using this technique, attackers can evade detection from endpoint protection technologies.

To solve this problem, eSentire's TRU team created a proprietary application called BlueSteel, which analyzes all PowerShell commands from customer endpoints and classifies them as either malicious or benign. The BlueSteel technique is similar to SPAM classification, utilizing frequency analysis with terms and characters to differentiate between good and bad. The goal is to increase the accuracy of PowerShell threat detection beyond what endpoint protection provides using machine learning.

As PowerShell attacks continue to be leveraged by attackers, BlueSteel continues to learn and enhance its threat detection capabilities. Combining advanced machine learning models with elite threat hunting, eSentire MDR ensures you can anticipate and withstand Powershell attacks.


Security Leaders Count on eSentire to Prevent Business Disruption

The Crowdstrike package coupled with the network monitoring has worked well for us. The Insight portal is handy to see what the current landscape is.

James B.

Senior Network Technician

Mid-Market Company

Ready to Get Started with eSentire MDR for Endpoint and Identity?

We’re here to help! Submit your information and an eSentire representative will be in touch to demonstrate how eSentire MDR for Endpoint and identity, Powered by CrowdStrike, stop endpoint and identity-based threats 24/7.